Dank des Tauchens mit angereicherter Luft (Nitrox) können Sie die Zeiten ohne Dekompression verlängern und die Oberflächenintervalle verkürzen. Es hat viele Vorteile, besonders wenn Sie mehrere Tauchgänge an einem Tag machen.
Um sie zu genießen, muss man als Nitrox-Taucher trainieren und ihre Besonderheiten kennenlernen, da es auch Einschränkungen und Risiken gibt, die man unbedingt kennen muss.
Der Kurs beinhaltet:
- Online- oder persönliche theoretische Ausbildung
- Unterrichtsmaterialien
- Zertifizierung
ANFORDERUNGEN: Open Water Diver oder gleichwertig
DAUER: 1 Tag
PREIS: 120 €
With PADI specialties we give you the opportunity to deepen and improve on the aspects of diving that interest you most.
We offer the following specialties:
PADI Grouper Diver Specialty* (at Unisub only!)
Do you know the king of the Medas, Montgrí and Baix ter Natural Park? With this course you will obtain basic knowledge of marine biology so that once the course is finished you will be able to identify groupers, recognize their behavior, habits and characteristics within the Protected Area of the Medes Islands, while at the same time you will learn adequate techniques to carry out a safe and environmentally friendly diving.
Dive Against Debris*
You, as a diver, can make a difference in each dive by activating the citizen-scientist in you. During the Dive Against Debris Diver Specialty course, you'll learn how ocean plastic and trash cleanups not only keep your local dive sites healthier, but also how to contribute to a global database documenting our marine debris problem in the planet.
Underwater Naturalist*
What do you think would be more fun, going to a party where you don't know anyone or going to a party where you know everyone? Possibly the second option is much more fun. The underwater naturalist specialty will allow you to learn more about symbiosis, underwater ecology, and habitats of aquatic animals and plants, you will observe behaviors and see creatures that you may not have noticed before, so that each dive you make will be like throwing a party with your friends.
Project Aware*
The Project AWARE specialty course is an introduction to Project AWARE as a global movement to protect the oceans. It focuses on and promotes the 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean World. Through interactive discussions, you'll learn how you can make a difference to protect the ocean every time you dive or travel. Of course, this specialty is ideal for divers and non-divers alike to understand how decisions made both above and below the surface affect our aquatic environment.
PADI Deep Specialty
PADI Navigation Specialty
PADI O2 Provider Specialty
PADI Scooter Specialty
PADI dry suit specialty
PADI Adaptativ Support Diver Specialty
Project Aware Specialty*
PADI Delayed Surfaced Marker Buoy Specialty
* included in the Green Pack
Prices, duration and requirements are different for each specialty, send us an email and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.